Workplace Integration
What is workplace integration ?
Worpkplace integration organizations are community and social economy enterprises. With a mission of social integration, their originality lies in the cohabitation of an integration/training function and a genuine, non-profit economic activity. Integration companies meet the training and support needs of people experiencing difficulties integrating into the labor market, with the aim of fighting poverty and exclusion.
A workplace integration organization is
The training offered covers many areas of expertise, such as cabinetmaking, IT, sales, cleaning, etc. In our case, it is cooking training!
Répertoire des entreprisesTemporary
“Bridge” organizations offer participants a paid course of approximately 26 weeks which allows them to acquire specific and transferable knowledge, while providing them with support and assistance in their process of social and professional integration.
It only takes 27 months for both levels of government to recoup their investment. An important contribution to the economic development of Quebec.
Employers can then count on a qualified workforce that is better prepared to face the reality of the job market.
7 criteria for a workplace integration organization
Organizations must have a mission geared towards the social and professional integration of people in situations of exclusion. The integration company offers a gateway to the job market, training or other alternatives for participants.
The social and professional workplace integration organization is aimed at people in great difficulty, offering them real work experience. It is primarily aimed at people (young people or adults) who experience repeated failures and for whom existing resources are unsuitable. This clientele, in a situation of exclusion, without income, or severely disadvantaged, is temporarily unable to face the reality of the job market. She engages in an integration process on a voluntary basis.
The workplace integration organization is a non-profit organization which employs employees, markets the goods or services it produces and lives within the constraints of the market. It offers reasonable guarantees of operation over three years. It offers real and meaningful work experience. Economic activity is intended to serve the participants’ approach. When it produces budget surpluses, the company invests them in the service of its mission.
An workplace integration organization undertakes to grant fixed-term employee status to its participants, according to current labor standards.
In connection with the issues at the origin of the difficulties experienced by the person, the workplace integration organization offers participants, as part of a concerted and planned intervention, personalized support throughout their employment journey. insertion and even after.
Centered on the needs of individuals, the approach is global and links personal and social aspects as well as professional ones. The training is integrated and aims not only to improve the employability and qualification of individuals, but also to fully exercise their citizenship and strengthen the affirmation of their identity. Supervision must be sufficient and competent.
Coming from the community, the workplace integration organization is at the center of a network of partners. It is a privileged crossroads for setting up real consultation to consolidate and strengthen the effectiveness of actions aimed at their customers. It fits into the dynamics of its environment.*
* Based on a community economic development approach.
Academic recognition !
In partnership with the Champlain Adult Education Center, Resto Plateau offers the possibility of training certification in a semi-skilled trade (CFMS), accessible under certain eligibility conditions to participants in the integration program. This certification is not compulsory, and allows you to obtain a diploma recognized in Quebec, which improves employment or study opportunities. As part of this partnership, Resto Plateau also offers recognition of prior learning (RAC), in order to highlight professional experience.